Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Never Again! The Ultimate Warrior Vows Never Again To Lose His Title WWF Magazine October 1989
You could see rage building in the Ultimate Warrior from the moment he lost his WWF Intercontinental Title to Ravishing Rick Rude at Wrestlemania V. As weeks, then months passed, you could see the rage mounting to an eruption of titanic fury. The Warrior's eyes blazed hotter and hotter. His massive muscles seemed ready to burst out of his mighty body. He roared his battle lust louder and louder in the ring.
When the fearless and ruthless Viking warriors raided the coasts of England, Ireland and France in the early Middle Ages, the fear they inspired was so great that the people of those countries prayed, "Deliver us, O Lord, from the fury of the Northman." Wrestlers in the WWF were asking for deliverance from the fury of the Warrior.
Frustration over the way he lost to Rude - with the help of interference by his manager, Bobby "The Brain Heenan - fueled the Ultimate Warrior's anger. And his opponents paid a heavy price. And with each match, the price increased with the Warrior's terrifying frenzy.
Barry Horowitz, for instance, thought he had a good deal when he managed to get a match with the Warrior. Horowitz had little hope of winning, unless he got lucky and landed some sort of damaging cheap shot - but he thought a good showing would earn him some respect. Horowitz was trampled.
The Warrior roared into the ring like a rogue bull elephant. Storming about, he pounded his own chest with blows that would cave in the ribs of an ordinary man, but which he didn't feel. The Ultimate Warrior hardly seemed to know or care - who his adversary was, just that he was there to be crushed as thoroughly and quickly as possible.
Horowitz summoned up his courage and threw several hard punches at the Warrior. They had no effect. The Warrior didn't even blink. Then he tore into Horowitz, tossing him around the ring like a rag doll and pounding him to jelly. Horowitz didn't have a chance. Mercifully for Barry the affair was over quickly. But Horowitz was so trashed he had to be carried from the ring on a stretcher.
All of this pent - up rage on the part of the Ultimate Warrior was targeted at one man - Ravishing Rick Rude, whom the Warrior would meet in a title match at SummerSlam. As SummerSlam approached, the Warrior voiced his determination not only to regain his title but also never to lose it again.
"The world must know that once I have the Intercontinental Title back," trumpeted the Warrior, "I will never again let it be stolen from me. Ravishing Rick Rude won't have a chance to take it, if he can still wrestle after I tear him apart. No one Bobby Heenan can throw at me - not Rude, not Andre the Giant, nobody - will stand before the Ultimate Warrior once I have my belt again. By all the great warriors of the past and future, I promise it."
The Ultimate Warrior has always been focused on nothing but the joy he experiences in the fray. Combat has been his only reason for living. Never, however has he been so furious as after the loss of his title. All of this brings up a question. Once he has the title back, will his rage that has made him such a terror subside?
"Never," says the Ultimate Warrior, "I will never forget the humiliation of losing the title. Of watching Rick Rude flaunting the belt that rightfully belonged to me. Of watching that sniveling weasel parading around like he was the manager of a real champion, when all he had was a fraud. The memory will haunt the Ultimate Warrior for all time. It will set his mind on fire. It will ignite his battle lust. It will make the Ultimate Warrior the most feared man in the WWF. No one will ever stand before the Ultimate Warrior."
Listening to the Ultimate Warrior and watching him as he speaks, you can feel the tension and energy that fill every powerful fiber of his being. You have to believe that this unusual man is speaking the truth.
So, what would the Warrior be like as a second-time Intercontinental Champion? The odds are that he would be even more devastating, more awesome than the first time around. If you know anything about the Ultimate Warrior, you know that he is not the kind of man who will allow himself to be burned twice. He will be more intent on absolute destruction of opponents, more thunderous and - most important - much more wary of trickery than ever before. And should someone try trickery against him, if anyone is so foolish, then, indeed, he will find himself begging in terror for someone to deliver him from the fury of the Ultimate Warrior.
The Informer
at 12:04:00 pm
Saturday, July 23, 2005
1993 it was 4th of july it was claimed no one could slam the hugh japanese yokozuna. Ten yokos manager the great mr fuji issued a challenge to any sports star to slam yokozuna.
So it was on a ship the uss intrepid where the yoko slamming would be held.
All men from the world of sport took their chance for slamming the big guy untill it was over no one succeded.But wait a helicopter landed and out in to the crowd came mr america himself lex luger.
Could he be the guy to be the saviour of america. LUGER RAN IN TO YOKO SLAMMED HIS ELBOW IN TO YOKO AND MANAGED TO LIFT AND SLAM YOKO.
The Informer
at 9:22:00 am
Friday, July 15, 2005
WrestleMania 9
The event staged at ceasars palace las vegas nevada. A match that was see double vision ?Was their actually two doink the clowns.
The Story On a previous wwf tv show doink would pretend he had a broken arm and it was healing in a plaster cast.Well this is what he wanted us to believe but we knew his injury was fake when he ran and whacked the hawaian crush in the back of the head with the cast and injurying him. This prompted the match Doink v Crush at Wrestlemania 9.
During the match the referee the late joey marella got strucked down and this caused for doink to go under the ring for a switch around till crush was distracted a second doink showed up attacked crush and a pin was made. A second ref came to tell joey what had happened but the match was truly over with a victor to doink.
More Retro News Soon..
The Informer
at 9:41:00 am
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Earl hebner long time wwf/wwe referee and official Earls profile:
Nick Patrick-came from now defunked wcw in 2001 known as cheating ref.
The Informer
at 12:05:00 am
Monday, July 11, 2005
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan a.k.a The Weasel A manager and part of the announce team-Main manager of ric flair.
Mene Gene in his usual spot getting a quick interview backstage of royal rumble 92. The Late gorilla monsoon in his commentary posistion.The good thing was he knew how to shut up the weasel bobby heenan. Todd pettengill interviewer/wwf mania presenter. Todd interviewing bret "HITMAN" hart
The Informer
at 11:33:00 pm
WWF Event Center:
This was where you would see sean moonie dishing up all the up and coming info on the current ppv's...good going...
Sean Moonie at the event center.
The Informer
at 11:16:00 pm
Welcome fans of the by gone age of wrestling when leotards and funny costume really did mean something... Classic Wrestling Website will endulge back in to the past so get ready to rumble...
The Informer
at 9:18:00 pm